Inclusive Employment

Inclusive Employment

Five Ways to Create a Culture of Safety and Support for Individuals with Disabilities

November 16, 2022

Community Access Unlimited

For a person with a disability, everyday stressors—let alone any sort of traumatic event—can create feelings of fear and apprehension. Their sense of safety, wholeness, and well-being can be easily thrown off, given the right mix of circumstances.   Though you can’t change...

Expanding Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities: How Far We’ve Come

October 27, 2022

Community Access Unlimited

Today, one-third of Americans with disabilities are employed in the labor force. And though that number is not where we’d like it to be, with many still either unemployed or underemployed, it is important to take stock of how far we’ve come as a nation in protecting the civil rights of...

Hiring People with Disabilities Gives You a Competitive Advantage in Today’s Market—and Here’s Why

September 26, 2022

Community Access Unlimited

According to the CDC, 1,415,625 adults in New Jersey have a disability—or one in five adults.1 Despite the fact that this subset represents 21% of the state’s population, the employment rate of working-age adults with disabilities caps off at 37.7%.2 This community of workers is an...

Community Access Unlimited Assists Union County with Jobs, Education & Training

September 16, 2022

Community Access Unlimited

More than 80 youth and young adults participated in the “Empowering our Youth” Summer Program Union County, NJ – September 16, 2022 – Community Access Unlimited (CAU) once again partnered with Union County to help young people take the important first steps towards their...

Businesses Can’t Afford to Miss the Benefits of Hiring People with Disabilities

August 1, 2022

Community Access Unlimited

Paula Fair started her job as a cook at Piscataway High School this year. Elizabeth, NJ – Aug. 1, 2022–Workers with disabilities were disproportionately affected by the pandemic, losing thousands of jobs in the vulnerable service, production and transportation industries. From March to...