Financial Management


Hillside 1

Two bedroom apartment with vacancy for a female on 3rd floor of apartment building in Hillside. Residential staff are on site 24/7 and receive...

“They help me with my benefits … they help me pay my bills and keep my receipts in order. This is much easier for my parents, they’re not getting around like they used to.”

– Mark Bloom, 16-year member at CAU

Representative Payee Program

Our Representative Payee Program provides an array of fiscal Intermediary services assist individuals and families in Union County. CAU is one of the few organizations approved by the Social Security Administration to be an organizational representative payee.

When you enroll, our expert team ensures that all your needs and financial obligations are managed, period.

What We Can Do

  • Budget and save unused funds
  • Communicate changes in benefits to the beneficiary
  • Maintain accurate records of payments and expenses
  • Report information to the appropriate agencies as authorized by the individual and SSA/SSI
  • Account for all funds and return funds the individual is not entitled to
  • Apply for SNAP
  • Open ABLE savings accounts

Related services include money management, budgeting, assisting with burials, and much more. Contact us today to find out how we can help you protect you or your loved one’s financial future.

Clients learning about money management

Contact us today to learn more.

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